24 August 2005

enlightening article

got this article from an email today and i find it quite enlightening in some extend. have a read!

God did not create religion. Man did. The reason why there are so many religions is because each of us are at a different level of spiritual development and understanding. The various religions are necessary because there are people who need what these religions teach. I am sure Ayah Pin understood this concept very clearly.

Religions are man-made to control man. Man does not need religion if he could turn within himself. If I were God, the Almighty, why would I need man to convince humankind that I exist? Every religion has its own explanation.

I believe there is a Creator who gave us intelligence. Use it with logic to seek the truth and not be blinded by faith and emotion. God made many different kinds of people, why would he allow only one way to serve him? Ayah Pin could certainly agree with that.

Here are some quotations to ponder:

Joseph Fort Newton – ‘Belief is truth held in the mind; faith is a fire in the heart.’

Steven Weinberg - ‘With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.’

Blaise Pascal - ‘Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.’

sources taken from malaysiakini