02 January 2006

new year, new layout

since it's already 2006, i have decided to change the blog layout to something different. at first, i was browsing the available layouts by blogger.com. unfortunately, nothing attracted me and then i've decided to customize it myself by editing the codes in the template settings. took me about 2 hours to get this new layout up and running as i'm not too familiar with codes and almost forgotten about the html stuffs. after all the trial and error, here's the new 'neotrax says' for the new year. drop me some feedbacks or even suggestions and i'll see what i can do to improve it further.

6 shoutouts

@ 23:37, Blogger J @ ~ ! < € says

I think this layout is better than the previous one! It looks simple but yet 'yau ying'! Cool!

@ 23:44, Blogger neotrax says

thanx janice!!!

@ 23:58, Blogger wyejon says

i say... my new design sucks compared to yours... back to the drawing board!

@ 00:00, Blogger neotrax says

hahahahaha!!! don't say that la... we're all the same. practice makes perfect.

@ 10:22, Blogger David says

Wah, new design ah? Did it during work is it? Hahaha! Since you can re-learn html, go and re-learn Java lah, can become SE.

@ 13:44, Blogger neotrax says

it's ok la david. i think analyst still is my cup of tea for the mean time. hehehehe !!!


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