it feels good!!!
i woke up at 710am today and i felt so nice and refreshed. why? maybe it's because my body knew that i'm no longer employed for the coming week as i only start again the week after. i was quite tired yesterday after doing some house work and workout at the gym with sm. then later in the evening, we went to MV to look for weight lifting gloves and dinner. it was choc-a-bloc yesterday night as it us quite a while to get a park. maybe that's the usual weekend thingy in MV.
well, it's always good to start early with a nice and bright sunny day. it makes you feel that you have plenty of time to do whatever you want. as for me, i've got visitors coming over for a week from NZ. they will be taking a coach from singapore while we will be meeting them later on. nope!! they're not staying with us but a nice luxury hotel down town.
all i'm hoping for is the coming week will go by slowly and i definitely going to enjoy it to the fullest. you guys have a great weekend too. cheers!!
3 shoutouts
Good luck!
thanx dlim!!
Hey, neo... din visit your blog for a while, only to know that you left the company... sorry for not getting myself updated... anyhow, all the best to you... enjoy while you can... ;)
*next time keep me updated ma... :p*
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